You've known Khris pretty much your whole life - and you've never been impressed with him. Even from the very moment he was born, he was the most popular baby in the hospital. His parents were rich, he had a gajillion rich relatives (you've always secretly wondered if he were related to Donald Trump or Bill Gates), and he was spoiled beyond all hope. Now in high school, nothing has changed, except perhaps that his parents are even richer now. He gets whatever he wants whenever he wants and it makes you mad because your family is lower-middle class and can hardly afford anything other than necessities. You are the loner at school while everyone flocks around Khris like he's a celebrity. You don't like him. At all. But the thing that annoys you the most is how he looks at you all the time - like you're some little speck of dirt that doesn't belong in his perfect life. 


You are walking the halls at school, staying invisible like usual. Sometimes you wish so badly you had friends, but other times you don't care. You don't have to worry about backstabbing, gossip, what they'll think of you, etc. Now is one of those times you wish someone was there to talk with you. Up ahead, you notice Khris and his 150-member posse coming down the opposite direction. The halls aren't that big, so as you pass, you accidentally bang into Khris's arm. He stops and looks at you, his narrow eyes boring into you. He opens his mouth and you can just hear what he's going to say even before he says it: ''Watch where you're going, idiot.'' You immediately turn away from him and continue your walk up the hall before you can hear him. Sure, you want friends, but you don't ever want to be as popular and spoiled as Khris. 


After school, you start to walk home. It's absolutely freezing outside, with flurries already adding to the 3 inches of snow on the ground. You'd rather walk home than get packed into a bus with kids who'll only either ignore you or make fun of you. You start down the sidewalk when a car pulls up next to you. It's a sleek black beautiful Mustang. The windows are tinted, but you don't even need to see through them to know it's Khris's car. The window rolls down and you wonder what crude remark he's going to yell at you before he drives off. You keep walking. Then you hear his voice: ''Need a ride?'' You stop for a second or two and look at him confusedly, but then say, ''No, I'm good'' and continue walking. He follows closely with his car and yells, ''It's four degrees out there. You'll freeze. Hop in the car.'' You do feel very numb already and his offer sounds pretty good. Against your better judgement, you get into the passenger side of his car. The heat in his car feels good. ''Where do you live?'' he asks. You tell him your street name. ''That's a heck of a long way to walk in this weather,'' he says, looking at you ''like that'' again. ''I'm sorry for inconveniencing you,'' you mutter, refusing to look at him, even though you can feel his stare on you. ''I never said you were inconveniencing me,'' Khris says, ''This is just crappy weather to walk home in.'' You wonder why he's even bothering talking with you when it hits you. Of course. Every girl in the school dreams of being Khris's date - and probably has been at one time or another. You are the only one he hasn't ''scored'' yet. And you plan to keep it that way. You're not going to be another one of his statistics. You don't talk to him until he pulls into your driveway, when you mutter a ''thanks'' and trot up to your front door. You try to open it - but it's locked. Where's your mom? She works out of the home, so she's there all day. You ring the doorbell. No one answers. You know you don't have a key on you and the spare is getting fixed. You wish you could just die. Nobody else gets locked out of their house like this. ''Locked out?'' a voice calls. You turn around and notice Khris is still there. You nod at him. ''Well, come back in the car then, it's warmer in here than it is out there,'' he says, getting back into his car. You sigh and get back into his car as well. ''Oh yeah, now I remember Mom saying she had to go grocery shopping,'' you say under your breath, ''I guess she's not back yet.'' ''Are you hungry? Do you want to get something to eat?'' Khris asks. You look at him suspiciously. ''Don't you have a girlfriend?'' you ask. ''No,'' he responds, ''But you didn't answer my question.'' You stare at him for a moment. You've always agreed he's very cute, but you've thought his personality too ugly to even consider him. You wonder if he has a hidden agenda or if this is how he really is. You don't want to be taken advantage of. ''What is it about me that you don't like?'' he suddenly interrupts your thoughts. You look at him confusedly. ''Whenever I try to talk to you, you ignore me,'' he goes on, ''Whenever I try to be nice, you refuse the gesture. You're always glaring at me like I'm the biggest jerk you've ever met in your life. I don't understand what I've done to deserve this.'' You're startled. You always thought HE was the one staring at you like you were the jerk. Still, you don't understand why he would get upset over this. ''What do you care what I think? I'm just one person and I'm not even among your gajillion friends,'' you say. ''I've been trying to befriend you,'' he says, ''I've always thought you were a really interesting girl. A bit misunderstood at times, I guess, and lonely, but I wanted to get to know you. Most of the kids who hang around me just do it to 'raise their status,' like it's important. Yes, I'm popular and I'm rich, which makes me luckier than most other kids, but I'm still a person, you know.'' He's now staring deeply into your eyes, seemingly entranced. You keep yourself guarded. ''How many other girls have you used those lines on?'' you ask. Khris looks like you just slapped him in the face. ''I've heard the stories about what you do to girls, as they're only 'objects to be triumphed' for you,'' you say. ''And I've heard the stories about Snow White and the seven dwarves, but they're just stories!'' Khris exclaims, looking more hurt than you thought he'd be. ''What you don't realize is, being popular isn't really 'the life' all the time. People start rumors about you that are so opposite from the truth. I've heard girls talk about how much they had a 'perfect date' with me when I never went out with them at all. In fact, I've only had a few girlfriends in my life. When I turn some girls down, they get really mad and start stupid rumors about me, like how I 'raped' them. I just assume that no one's going to believe them because it's obviously not true. I'm a virgin. But apparently a bunch of people believe that I take advantage of girls just because I'm popular!'' Suddenly you feel absolutely horrible about everything you said to him - and even everything you've ever believed about him. Inside you knew you never gave him a chance because you thought he'd never give you a chance. He's popular. You're not. He's rich. You're not. You always thought he was conceited. Now you see how much he's really just a person like you. ''I'm sorry,'' you say, ''I just never thought you''d ever like...I mean...'' He sighs and looks at you sadly. ''That's another disadvantage to being popular,'' he says, ''The only girl you really like is the one you can't have because she doesn't think she's 'good enough.''' You freeze and stare at him, unaware your mouth is hanging open. ''I-I'm the only girl in school you really like?'' you stammer. ''I've liked you since 6th grade! I always tried to show you, but most of the time all I could ever get to do was just look at you,'' Khris says. ''Really? I always thought you were looking at me like you hated my guts,'' you say. ''You always turned away before I could smile at you,'' Khris says. You stare at him and he stares at you. You look at his lips, suddenly longing for them. Slowly he leans forward. He stops inches from your face. ''Can I...? I mean, I've been wanting to since 6th grade,'' he says with a nervous laugh. ''Well, I'm pretty much invisible at school, so if you want to kiss air, then go ahead,'' you smile. He leans the rest of the way in and presses his lips deeply into yours. It's your first kiss and it takes your breath away. After he pulls away, he looks breathless as well. ''Well, that certainly didn't feel like kissing air,'' he says. You laugh and start to lean in to kiss him again when your mom pulls into the driveway. ''Drat,'' you and Khris say at the same time. As your mom steps out of her car, you squeeze Khris's hand, smile, and say ''see you tomorrow'' as you get out of his car. Your mom asks, ''Who's he?'' You reply, ''Oh, just the guy I think I fell in love with a few minutes ago.'' 


You and Khris go public, which makes you part of the popular crowd. However, you don't enjoy it as much as you thought you would - particularly because a lot of other girls are starting to get mad at you. You become the target of their rumors and hate messages. It gets to be too much at times, but just when you think you can't take it anymore, Khris makes you feel entirely better. Somehow you manage to survive to the end of high school, where you and Khris go to the same college. Khris is as popular in college as he always has been, and there is an unfortunate incident where a girl approached him determinedly and began kissing him, even though he tried to pull away. You caught them and couldn't believe it. Khris begs you to believe him, that he tried to get away from her, but you decide to break up with him. After a while, though, you realize you never had any reason to doubt Khris's word and you come back to him. There is still tension between you two, as you both are still hurt, but eventually you work it out and a couple years later you get married and have 3 rich popular kids.