Ok i didn't like it, it was waaaaaaaay too cheesy, but here it is!

Kane - The Dying


Kane moved to your town and became your next-door neighbor in 7th grade. You became fast friends, and fast friends became boyfriend and girlfriend once you reached high school. Kane had the warmest embrace, the warmest kiss, and the warmest heart. One day, unfortunately, he had the warmest temperature as well. You couldn't understand it. He always seemed to be sick, cancelling plans from nausea and high fever. Whenever you saw him, he had strange bruises. You knew his parents were as friendly as Kane was, but you became uncertain. He assured you his parents weren't abusing him, even though he couldn't explain how the bruises got there. After a while, his sickness began to affect his daily life. He was so fatigued he fell asleep in school, he lost weight, and his gums began bleeding. Finally his parents took him to the doctor - where he was diagnosed with leukemia. 


It has been 6 months since Kane was first diagnosed and every last minute of it has been a nightmare. The doctors had put him on chemotherapy at first, which did nothing but further harm to Kane's body. You'd stuck with Kane during all the miserable days when his body ached all over, when he couldn't stop throwing up, when he could barely keep himself awake. You have always been thankful that the chemotherapy spared Kanes' gorgeous hair. You now sit on the couch beside him, both silent. He has just learned today that his cancer is terminal, and that he has one to two months to live. The only hope he has of surviving is a bone marrow transplant - and the doctor is refusing his insurance plan. Kane's eyes are downcast, and you wonder if he even feels you put your arm around his waist. You sit in silence for five painfully long minutes. Then Kane speaks: ''My life and death are resting in the hands of the doctor, and right now he is deciding I should die because our insurance won't pay him his fat cash.'' Tears are streaming down your face. Ever since you heard about it, you've burned with anger against the doctor. Aren't doctors supposed to truly care about their patients? Aren't doctors supposed to help? Aren't doctors supposed to keep people alive and healthy as long as possible? A bone marrow transplant is the only way Kane has a chance of beating the cancer and his insurance won't accept it. You hate the doctor and you hate Kane's insurance company even more. Kane looks over at you and smiles weakly. His skin is pale and there are dark circles under his eyes. ''I look pretty bad, don't I?'' he says, ''I always forget how sick I look until you come over.'' ''I dont care, you always look amazing to me,'' you say, only half-lying. Kane gives you a look of disbelief, and you run your hand through his hair gently. ''I'm glad you still have hair,'' you say, leaning in to kiss him. You haven't done so in a while from him being so sick. He leans back, surprised. ''You still want to kiss me? Wouldn't you rather go smooch some guy who's a lot stronger, cuter, and healthier?'' You see insecurity in his eyes, and you know he doesn't know whether he's good enough for you anymore. To answer his question, you entwine your fingers through his hair and softly kiss him. His lips are cold, but somehow your insides feel the familiar warmth. You pull away and look into his eyes and are startled to see them with tears - all this time with cancer and Kane hardly ever cried. ''I don't want to die,'' he says in a choked voice, ''I don't want to leave you.'' Immediately you start crying as well and you embrace his frail body. ''I love you, Kane, and I always will,'' you whisper. ''If...if I don't get the transplant by the end of the month...I-I don't know how much longer it'll be before I...'' Kane doesn't need to finish his sentence for you to know what he's talking about. You never want to think about what life would be like without Kane. You don't think you could survive. ''It's a deep question, but...'' Kane starts to say, then pauses. ''But what?'' you ask. ''If I don't get the transplant by the end of the month, would you marry me?'' he asks, ''Just so my last days are the best of my life.'' As weak as his body is, his eyes are strong with passion for you. ''If I could, I would marry you now,'' you say, kissing him again. ''I really mean it,'' Kane says. ''And I really mean it too, Kane,'' you say, ''It would be the best days of my life too. I can't...I can't live without....'' You can't finish. Kane warmly embraces you and gently brushes his hand down your hair, kissing your ear. ''Don't say that,'' he says, ''You have to find a life after I'm....if I end up leaving forever.'' ''I can't live without you, Kane,'' you sob, ''I just can't.'' Kane gazes sadly into your eyes. You wish he were healthy, like he used to be. You know you can't wait a lifetime if he dies. Suddenly Kane places his hands on your cheeks and kisses you with so much passion you forget how to breathe. All time stops and there's nothing left of the world but you and Kane. After the kiss ends, Kane collapses. You lay his head on your lap and bawl your eyes out, praying harder than you've ever prayed before for Kane's life. 


The end of the month approaches and there has been no progress with the insurance company. Kane looks more ill than ever, but he always looks gorgeous in your eyes. As Kane's final wish, you two get married. You have to be much gentler with him, but he somehow finds the strength to please you. The end of his life approaches, your tears fall faster, your hope sinks...until the phone rings. 


Miraculously Kane's insurance company accepts the bone marrow transplant. Kane is rushed to the hospital where he receives the transplant successfully. For what seems like forever, the new bone marrow seems to be doing nothing at all, but slowly you realize Kane is getting better. Occasionally his body goes through some scary phases where it reacts around the new bone marrow, but otherwise Kane slowly starts getting healthier. His smile is brighter. His kiss is stronger. After a full year and a half, he has finally gone into remission and he is back to full strength. With all the money that's been donated to him through fundraisers and benefits, he takes you on a Jamaican cruise with him. One night you're sitting on deck gazing at the stars. He looks at you and whispers, ''You know, you've always been there for me, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. You were doing that before we even got married.'' ''I fell madly in love with you, and I still am, how can I not be there for you always?'' you ask with a smile. ''I know you didn't get to enjoy some of the things you would have gotten if you...well, dated other stronger healthier guys,'' Kane continues, ''Like going on dates, doing fun things like amusement parks. I was just a little shrimp and all you could do was sit around and take care of me.'' ''I loved taking care of you, Kane,'' you say stubbornly. ''Well, sure, but now that I'm healthy again,'' he says with a mischievous grin, ''Why don't we do some of the things every married couple ought to do?'' Later he takes you dancing, and then when you get ready for bed, he surprises you with a very passionate session of love-making. After you get home from the cruise, you discover you're pregnant. Later on, you and Kane have 7 kids. Kane's leukemia never comes back and you both live to be over 100 years old.